Gift Giving Is A Sweet Affair.
Gift giving is a sweet affair, especially during Christmas. So why not give a showstopper, that is sure to put a sweet taste in their mouth? A fresh batch of homemade cookie dough is perfect, for anyone who wants to add a touch of quintessential made-with-love to their gift-giving-game. These delicious morsels, are as pleasing to eat, as they are to gaze upon. The festive, yet simple packaging of these parcels, makes them a perfect teacher, parent or neighbor present. For a one of a kind cookie swap idea, make smaller tubes to send home with your guests. They will appreciate the party favor, because who says no to homemade cookies?!

Roll cookie dough into a cylindrical shape (for easy cutting and shape), place it in some cling wrap and pack tightly. For texture and extra layer, place the wrapped dough in a sheet of grease proof paper and at last, roll it in a final sheet of craft paper, for that nostalgic and rustic look. As a finishing touch, cut a small piece of accent paper, add some twine and a festive tag. Voila!